Dienstag, 14.03.2023
H. Kersten
09.20 | Begrüßung und Informationen der Veranstalter |
09.30 | André Anders„ IOM Leipzig "Defining Glow and Arc Discharges without resorting to current and voltage" |
09.50 | Carsten Bundesmann, IOM Leipzig "In situ erosion measurement tools for electric propulsion thrusters: triangular laser head and telemicroscope" |
10.10 | Sehoon An, INP Greifswald "Spatio-temporal development of a plasma electrolytic polishing process" |
10.30 | Peter Birtel, IOM Leipzig "Improving the reproducibility of reactive ion beam etching processes with a broadbeam ion source by varying the water background pressure" |
10.50 | Pause |
P. Klar
11.10 | Mathis Klette, CAU Kiel "Characterization of a pulsed plasma and microparticles in an industrial scale ta-C laser-arc coating system" |
11:30 | Kristof Holste, JLU Gießen "Air-breathing electric propulsion: scientific and technical challenges" |
11:50 | Clara Schäfer, DLR Göttingen "Influences on Langmuir probe measurements on an ECR thruster with magnetic nozzle" |
12:10 | Tom Rüdiger, IOM Leipzig "Ion incidence angle-dependent pattern formation at AZ® 4562 photoresist by (reactive) ion beam etching" |
12:30 | Mittagspause |
A. Anders
14:00 | Hermann Schlemm, Jenion - Ionenstrahl und Oberflächentechnik Milda "UHF-ECR Plasmas, excited with 433 MHz, for plasma- and broad beam ion sources" |
14:20 | Erik Rohkamm,, IOM Leipzig "Characterization of the reactive species of a RF-excited broad-beam ion source" |
14:40 | Maximilian Dommke, FSU Jena “Entfernung organischer Spurenstoffen in Wasser mit NTP – Vorhersage der Abbaubarkeit mit Methoden des maschinellen Lernens“ |
15:00 | Erik Jozsef, THM Gießen "Ein kapazitiv-gekoppelter Raumfahrtantrieb mit einer magnetischen Düse" |
15:20 | Pause |
V. Schneider
16:00 | Tony Krüger, INP Greifswald "Surface and material modification to influence the adhesion of plasma sprayed coatings" |
16:20 | Edwin Beller , THM Gießen "Elektrotechnischen Blick auf Inductively Coupled Plasmas und die elektrische Peripherie" |
16:40 | Thalita Nishime, INP Greifswald "Electrodes configuration influence on the treatment of seeds using a conical corona reactor" |
17:00 | Felix Kiefer, JLU Gießen "Electromagnetic interference emission of an ion thruster plasma" |
17:20 | Frank Jansen, DLR Bremen "Up-date: INPPS -astronautisches Flagschiff zum Mars." |
20:00 | Abendvortrag Prof. P. Klar, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen „Space mining“ |
Mittwoch, 15.03.2023
J. Friedrich
09.15 | Daniel Spemann, IOM Leipzig, "IonJet: Development of a cost-efficient griddded ion thruster propulsion system for small satellites" |
09.35 | Konstantin Keil, JLU Gießen "Modelling of charge exchange processes in combination with a global model for radio frequency ion thrusters" |
09.55 | Lukas Pietzonka, IOM Leipzig "Laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy for xenon ion source characterization: current status and setup add-ons in progress" |
10.15 | Klaus Zimmer, IOM Leipzig "Laserinduziertes Mikroplasma in reaktiven Gasen: Ein Tool zum präzisen Ätzen von Materialien" |
10.35 | Jessica Schleitzer, CAU Kiel "Langmuir probe measurements in a dual-frequency capacitively coupled rf discharge" |
10:55 | Pause |
F. Frost
11.15 | Viktor Schneider, CAU Kiel "Progress of the Electric Propulsion Diagnostic Package" |
11.35 | Nicolas Bauer, JLU Gießen "Neutral flux detector for ion thrusters" |
11.55 | Philip Peters, THM AG Raumfahrtelektronik "Particle-in-Cell-Simulation des Plasma s in einem Radiofrequenz-Ionentriebwerk" |
12.15 | Jörg Friedrich, FU Berlin "Plasma polymers and adhesion" "Plasma polymers and adhesion" |
12.35 | Kevin Rettig, SCIA Systems Chemnitz "Simulation and experimental characterization of the extraction of a focused broad ion beam from an inductively coupled plasma source" |
12.55 | Mittagspause |
H. Neumann
14.30 | Michael Zeuner, SCIA Systems GmbH Chemnitz |
14.50 | Johannes Reimann, Zeiss SMT |
15.10 | Peter Pecher, Singulus Technologies AG "Beschichtung – Skalierbarkeit vom Labor zur Produktion" |
15.30 | Martin Kopte, VTD Vakuumtechnik Dresden GmbH |
15:50 | Ruben Wiese, Ampower Sience and Engineering GmbH „A probe for direction-dependent measurement of the energy influx - diagnostics and monitoring of plasma processes” |
16:10 | Ende der Sitzung |
Diskussionsabend mit Glühwein ab 18 Uhr
Donnerstag, 16.03.2023
C. Bundesmann
09.15 | Frank Frost, IOM Leipzig "Ion beam planarization with solvent-free polymers: Towards new frontiers" |
09.35 | René Feder, Fraunhofer IMWS Halle "From a ToF-SIMS study on glass corrosion to self-healing surfaces" |
09.55 | Patrik Schlenz, FEP Dresden "Single layer metal oxide coatings for high permeation Barrier applications" |
10.15 | Felix Linß, IOM Leipzig "Surfactant sputtering on silicon -experimental and simulated data" |
10.35 | Pause |
K. Holste
10.55 | Torsten Henning, JLU Gießen "Time-of-flight mass spectrometry on ionic liquid electrospray from microemitters" |
11.15 | Jana Zorn, Justus Liebig Uni Gießen "Status report on the Giessen RAM-EP activities: Strategy and first results" |
11.35 | Stephan Mändl, IOM Leipzig "Depth Resolved XRD Measurements using in-situ XRD during Ion Beam Sputtering" |
11.55 | Matthias Nestler, SCIA Systems Chemnitz "Flexible approach for the production slanted surface relief gratings by reactive ion beam trimming" |
12.15 | Felix Becker, JLU Gießen "Quantification of molybdenum in rf ion plasmas to prevent grid erosion" |
12.35 | Mittagspause |
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