The rules of good scientific practice are an elementary component of scientific work and form the basis of excellent research and its credibility. As a member of the Leibniz Association, the IOM is committed to the "Guideline for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice and for Dealing with Allegations of Scientific Misconduct in the Leibniz Association". Building on this guideline, the IOM has formulated its own guideline on good scientific practice. In addition, the code "Guidelines for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice" of the German Research Foundation (DFG) is applied in a legally binding manner at our institute.
At the IOM, two ombudspersons are elected from among the scientists for a term of four years. They are available to the members of the institute as impartial contact persons in questions of good scientific practice and form a contact point in case of disagreements, disputes and suspicions of scientific misconduct. Currently, Dr. Christoph Eichhorn and PD Dr. Axel Kahnt hold these functions as staff members of the Institute.