Mid-term meeting of the SMWA validation funding programme in Leipzig

Photo: futureSAX

At the first mid-term meeting of the fourth funding call for SMWA validation funding at the end of June 2024, the funding recipients met with industry experts and representatives of the SMWA, SMWK and SAB to discuss how the technology transfer of innovations from research to industry can be implemented more quickly and efficiently and further expanded. To this end, the project teams presented initial research results and progress with regard to their technical and economic feasibility. The IOM is being funded with the project "Industry-oriented electron beam treatment for the cost-effective and high-quality production of colour centres in (nano)diamonds". The aim of the project is the efficient and cost-effective production of NV centres in diamonds by electron beam treatment with significantly improved quality. In addition, technical and economic savings potentials are to be developed and implemented and possible fields of application investigated in more detail in order to realise a timely transfer to industry.
During the project period, futureSAX GmbH will support the funding recipients with accompanying meetings, the creation of a utilisation plan and the identification of potential utilisation and cooperation partners.